The Story of Love

Love is the stories of two hearts that weave the strings of warm understanding together into many beautiful memories.

Friday, September 15, 2006

HE Say...

I asked ....
when will you stop loving me ?

He Said ....
You are my soulmate and I love you,
and i will always love you...
not everybody have the luck to fine their soulmate ...
WE did

The Story of Love

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There's a million miles between us
And a long road ahead....
Sometime's, I wonder where the distance will lead us,
Then I remember the promises we've said...
And I know with all my heart,
That we'll make it and we'll be together again...

Though, right now it feels like a lifetime
Until I can see the smile behind your laughter,
And feel your presence at my side....

No matter how long it takes,
I'll keep holding on
Until I can hold you in my arms...

Our love is worth the wait